Neuropsychological Assessments for Children In Pass Christian, MS

Neuropsychological Evlautions Gulfport MS

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Neuropsychological evaluations are comprehensive assessments that focus on learning and behavior in relation to an individual’s brain and aids in determining the “why” behind a particular academic or psychological deficit. These assessments go a step further than the typical evaluation and look at the individual’s functioning and can more fully understand not just “what” the problem is, but “why” the problem exists.

For example, if a child is having difficulty comprehending reading, a neuropsychological assessment will identify “why” the child is unable to comprehend the information. Whereas a psychoeducational assessment will determine if a problem exists for identification purposes, a neuropsychological evaluation will determine why the child is having trouble whether it be deficits in working memory, short term memory, visual or auditory processing areas, language, reasoning skills, or even performance anxiety. A better understanding of the underlying factors is important in determining the most appropriate interventions for individuals.

Neuropsychological Gulfport MS
Neuropsychological Gulfport MS

For example, if a child is having difficulty comprehending reading, a neuropsychological assessment will identify “why” the child is unable to comprehend the information. Whereas a psychoeducational assessment will determine if a problem exists for identification purposes, a neuropsychological evaluation will determine why the child is having trouble whether it be deficits in working memory, short term memory, visual or auditory processing areas, language, reasoning skills, or even performance anxiety. A better understanding of the underlying factors is important in determining the most appropriate interventions for individuals.

IEEE Gulfport MS

In addition to completing neuropsychological evaluations to determine underlying factors of educational, emotional, or behavioral deficits, these assessments may also be completed due to neurological deficits. If your child has a known neurological condition (e.g., seizures, brain tumors), injuries (e.g., concussions, trauma), has been exposed to toxins (e.g., alcohol or substance exposure prior to birth), or has had other medical conditions, a neuropsychological evaluation may be warranted.

Neuropsychological evaluations are also recommended for more complex neurodevelopmental deficits such as ADHD in combination with other mental health deficits or a gifted, intelligent child who also struggles with ADHD and/or a learning disability.  These assessments are important in determining the presence of co-existing conditions, particularly if treatment efforts have been ineffective.

The Neuropsychological Testing Process

During the first appointment, the client will meet with the psychologist to discuss pertinent information to the evaluation process which includes a developmental history, any past or present medical or mental health conditions and the problems that are effecting your child’s or an adult’s school or work.  After discussing particular deficit areas, the child/adult will complete a battery of assessments.

The assessments often include psychological and psychoeducational testing components as well as language, attention, and memory tasks. The client will be administered a range of performance tasks in paper/pencil format. Once this information has been gathered and the assessment is complete, we will include it in a report and schedule a follow up visit to review the results.  We will answer any questions you have and start talking about potential next steps. We can help you identify and locate the best resources to provide your child or an adult the support they need in order to thrive across settings.